Counselling and psychotherapy for common areas of concern

Here are some of the things to come and see me about. I work with these daily to help people improve their mental health:

Bristol counselling

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Self-confidence
  • Binge-eating recovery
  • Loneliness
  • Relationships
  • Bereavement
  • Family dynamics
Psychotherapy services in Bristol


Many people experience anxiety daily. So anxiety is one of the most common things to come and see me about. Left unattended, anxiety can lead to fatigue, depression or health problems. Learning how to deal with anxiety is about exploring what lies beneath it, and learning techniques to cope. My training in body-centred psychotherapy is particularly useful. Here you can learn self-soothing and ways to understand and cope with anxiety.

What is Anxiety? Read about the first steps in how to deal with anxiety here

Psychotherapy services in Bristol

Feeling Low & Depression

What ‘depression’ means to me is literally a depression of feelings. This may mean you have experienced many different overwhelming emotions that have been squashed. So, you may have given up. Or it may mean feeling very down. Either way, therapy would involve exploring and understanding the depression and its causes. Here we discover what it is you want. We uncover what is blocking you with a view to change, and finding a way to feel happier.

Read about my online or Bristol based Counselling & Psychotherapy Services here

Psychotherapy services in Bristol

Self-confidence & Self-worth

This is probably the most common subject of counselling and psychotherapy.

Self-esteem is about how much we like ourselves

Low self-confidence manifests in self-doubt, criticism, loneliness, shame, suppressed feelings, and sometimes compulsive behaviours.

The template for this is often laid out by the way our parents related to us. So psychotherapy is about understanding this effect on you, and on your belief system. This is not about blaming your parents. It’s more about you. There is the safety and space to gently work through this here.

Psychotherapy services in Bristol

Binge-Eating or Overeating Recovery

Because I have expertise in this field, this is a good reason to see me.

I offer 3 options to get help with binge and overeating


You can also listen to my ‘Stress, Anxiety & Binge-Eating Podcasts here.


Psychotherapy services in Bristol

Feeling Alone & Loneliness

I also have expertise in this area. I work with people who are not currently in relationship, and who feel hopeless about love. Loneliness is known to be one of the biggest problems in our society (whether in relationship or not). A huge number of people are single and wish they weren’t. Many feel they only meet the ‘wrong’ type of potential partner, and feel stuck and hopeless about changing this. People feel used, rejected, and hurt. Therapy is about understanding this pattern, and learning new ways of approaching relationship, self-esteem and confidence.

I offer two ways to approach this:
Psychotherapy services in Bristol


Wanting to improve a primary relationship is also a popular thing to come and see me about. Often clients come to therapy when they are at crisis point in their current relationship. Betrayal, affairs and separation are common issues for us to talk about. Relationship building is fundamental to our lives yet it is something we are not taught well about. Understanding the patterns, roles and dynamics that exist between you and your partner can help. These are often repeated for generations, and can be changed.

Mindfulness and presence are the key to a successful relationship and sex life

Squashed emotions can lead to difficulty in being self aware or engaged. Often leading to a lack of connection or a lack of intimacy in relationship. In therapy all of this will be navigated to help you feel more empowered, open and ready for intimacy, leading to a more satisfying, authentic connection, and life. This relationship counselling is for individuals only.

Psychotherapy services in Bristol

Bereavement, Grief & Loss

It is clear that grief is one of the greater challenges for so many of us. I began my training as a therapist by working for Cruse Bereavent Care.

The difficult thing about grief is that in our culture we don’t talk about it. But loss is a part of each of our lives. So, here you can talk you through ways to understand and cope with feelings such as the sadness and guilt around loss.

Listen to my podcast about pet loss here.

Psychotherapy services in Bristol

Family issues

Do you dread Christmas or occasions with your family or inlaws? You are not alone.

Christmas is often an extremely stressful time for people who feel restricted in their families. Many clients come to therapy to talk about Christmas blues. Often we work on understanding family relationships and having the confidence to set boundaries for yourself. Ultimately we focus on finding a way to be happier within yourself, amongst your family, and in any social setting or gathering of people.


Feeling stuck

“I had the feeling that therapy was good for my writing very early on.” – Filmmaker Agnes Jaoui

Therapy for ‘stuckness’ begins with self awareness. This can help any of us to be more authentic, aware or alive. It can also help us to understand other people. All of this can be valuable for anyone, and particularly for enhancing creative expression and life potential.

Therapy helps you to be clear about what it is that’s holding you back from your desire, instincts and inspiration

It helps you find what you might need to explore in yourself in order to move on. Fear and self sabotage may be what is keeping you stuck. We will gently face this together.

Listen to my podcast about how embodiment can help here.