Stress & Anxiety Podcasts

Stress and Anxiety Podcasts

BACP Accredited Body Psychotherapist, Shelley Treacher gives “short, inspirational gems of wisdom” in her Stress and Anxiety-focused podcasts.

Shelley’s podcasts are about disrupting harmful patterns, from self-criticism and toxic relationships to binge-eating. Learn how to deal with anxiety, stress, and feeling low, and explore healthier ways to connect.

Stress and Anxiety Podcasts
Stress and Anxiety Podcasts
Stress and Anxiety Podcasts
Stress and Anxiety Podcasts

Latest Podcast

How do I stop being an overthinker?

How do I Stop Being an Overthinker?

Shelley helps you to understand the causes of overthinking and how to relax your mind. This podcast explores signs of overthinking and offers strategies to deal with it, focusing on listening to your body to recognise stress, anxiety and an overactive nervous system.

In this podcast:

  • Symptoms of overthinking
  • Breaking the belief that overthinking is productive
  • 3 ways you can challenge overthinking
  • 2 exercises that shift your nervous system.

Featured Podcasts

10 ways to overcome anxiety

10 Ways to Overcome Anxiety

Nowadays, we are more worried than ever, with so many things on our minds. Some anxiety is essential, as it helps us to focus on what’s important and to avoid potential danger. However, we are not often taught how to deal with anxiety, or what it really is.

Here we will look at:

  • Part 1 – Podcast Q&A What is compassion?
  • How can I stop eating?
  • Part 2 – What anxiety is
  • 10 ways to reduce anxiety
10 ways to manage anger

10 Ways to Control Anger

Anger is a sign that something doesn’t feel right, so it has an essential message for us that we need to pay attention to. Anger can also be turned inward as self-hatred and punishment.

In this podcast :

  • Part 1 – Q & A section (questions provided by you)
  • Part 2 – How to manage anger.
  • What makes you angry?
  • What is the root cause of anger?
  • How can I control my anger? 10 ways to manage anger
How do you Heal SHAME?

How do you Heal Shame?

Feeling shame is a common daily experience for us. Feeling ashamed is particularly common, strong, and uncomfortable for people who struggle with binge-eating.

In this podcast:

  • What shame and embarrassment mean for us
  • How it affects binge-eaters
  • Body-shame in our culture
  • Ways to release shame (for ANYONE experiencing shame)

Avoidance and Fear of Dependency

“Whenever we get close, one of us pulls away”

If you’ve ever wondered why your partner seems to withdraw after you’ve got on so well, this might be why. This podcast will help you to understand avoidance.

Here we will look at:

  • What avoidance is and where it comes from.
  • How the fear of being dependent can lead to avoidant behaviour
  • Ways to spot avoidance
How to stop procrastinating Stress and Anxiety Podcasts

How to Stop Procrastinating

If you started a diet or exercise regime in the New Year but now struggle to keep it going, it might be because you didn’t understand procrastination.

In this Podcast we’ll look at and cover the following:

  • Why you lose control and how to regain it
  • The origins of self-control in your brain
  • Retraining your brain to take action
EMBODIMENT - The Best Way to Handle Stress Stress and Anxiety Podcasts

EMBODIMENT – The Best Way to Handle Anxiety

Bessel van der Kolk said, “You can be fully in charge of your life, only if you can acknowledge the reality of your body, in all its visceral dimensions”

In this episode

Body psychotherapy in Bristol

Heal Self-Worth Through Embodiment & Somatic Psychotherapy

Becoming more embodied helps us to notice how and when we cheat ourselves of being kind to ourselves. Embodiment will help you get to know your system from the inside, so that you can have some conscious control.

In this episode

  • Podcast Q&A: Is a craving physical?
  • A guided embodiment exercise exploring self-worth and body image
Reset your nervous system

Reset your Autonomic Nervous System

In this episode, we look at ways to regulate the autonomic nervous system to come out of a stress state, depression, anxiety or compulsion.

I also give you a summary of everything I talked about in the first 8 podcasts of 2023.

We cover:

  • The psychology and physiology behind stress
  • Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory & A Polyvagal exercise
  • How we get triggered into a stress state
  • 11 ways to regulate the parasympathetic nervous system response
How to stop self-criticism

How do I Stop Self-Criticism?

Self-criticism is one of the underlying reasons that people come to therapy. We all experience it. Recovering your self-esteem lies in NOT trying to be perfect.

We explore:

  • What self-criticism is & how it shows up.
  • The root of self-criticism
  • How self-criticism goes hand in hand with binge-eating or compulsions.
  • How you can stop criticising yourself so much

What does Self-Compassion Mean?

What is self-compassion? To be able to answer this question, we explore your relationship with yourself.

In this podcast

  • Part 1 – Q & A section (questions provided by you).
  • Part 2 – What does self-compassion mean? What self-compassion is & how to be kinder to yourself.
  • What Self-Compassion is NOT, including the Top 20 Self Criticisms
8 ways to self-soothe without food

8 Ways to SELF-SOOTHE Without Food

Self-regulation‘ is about the ability to manage and soothe how you feel with a toolbox of skills. Luckily, this can be learned.

We dive into

5 reasons why you can't stop eating

5 Reasons Why You Can’t Stop Eating

Maybe you’re frustrated with yourself for not being able to stop eating. Or maybe you know your triggers are emotional?

We dive into:

  • The chemical, genetic, and physiological influences
  • The effects of food availability, marketing, society, and habits
  • Emotional reasons behind binge-eating
The two biggest weight loss mistakes I made

The 2 Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes I Made

In this podcast, I talk about the biggest mistakes I made when trying to stop binge-eating and lose weight.

In this podcast:

  • How being too hard on yourself and going on strict diets is unhelpful
  • Why it’s important to learn to be kind to yourself.
  • How being aware of how you feel when you eat is helpful
Whiskers and Tears How to heal from pet bereavement

Whiskers and Tears – Healing From Pet Bereavement

Today’s episode is a deeply personal exploration of pet loss and its emotional toll. Join me as we navigate the intricate layers of grief, eating for comfort, and finding ways to feel better after losing a pet. Let’s embark on this heartfelt exploration together.

In this podcast:

  • How to navigate pet loss
End of Season Summary of STRESS & ANXIETY Recovery Podcast Resources

End of Season Summary of Stress & Anxiety Recovery Podcast Resources

This is a summary of the main themes of the first 2 years of the podcast.

In this podcast:

  • What you need to know to recover from binge-eating, including navigating cravings and understanding what triggers comfort eating.
  • Ways to manage strong feelings and experiences including shame, anger and anxiety
  • Navigating relational difficulties and trauma

EmmaABB , 12/07/2020

So helpful

I searched for a podcast that addressed the emotional side of binge-eating, and in the few episodes I’ve learned so much. The practical advice and exercises Shelley gives are easy to implement and practice. Her voice is soothing and calm, and her kind words make me feel less alone with this struggle. Love listening in! Looking forward to the next episode. Thank you, Shelley.