Love and Relationship Recovery

In over 30 years of my counselling psychotherapy practice, the thing that still moves me the most is working with the frustration and sadness of feeling unloveable, or feeling stuck in a loveless relationship situation.

As someone who has worked with the pain of abandonment and toxic relationship patterns, I’ve attracted clients who feel despair that they may never find meaningful connection or love, and I work with them to bring back hope and excitement into relationships.

– Shelley Treacher

Love Recovery

  • A small, intimate, supportive group
  • Female identified only

This is a compassionate, dynamic programme, which requires you to be committed to taking responsibility. Many come to this programme because they’ve already tried therapy and now want something more dynamic.

In the programme, I will lead you through structured exercises that help you to understand your relationship patterns, address your blocks to change, and move forward with closer intimate relationships.

The women on this group will actively empower each other and raise each other up. You will make important friends for life on this course.

love and relationship recovery
Love and relationship Recovery

The Love Recovery Programme

In this programme, I will help you solve three main problems that can keep you stuck in feeling alone:

  • Problem 1: You have so far been in relationships with partners who cannot commit, ghost you and ignore you.

The Answer: Explore your contribution to the situation and how this happened to you.

  • Problem 2: You have a difficult history with relationships, and you often feel deep pain or experience rejection or abandonment.

The Answer: Challenge your feelings of abandonment and rejection

  • Problem 3: You have lost hope of finding a loving relationship

The Answer: Learn how to receive and open to love.

1:1 Sessions

If you have an unresolved traumatic history, or consistent substance addiction, it is advisable to seek psychotherapy with a specialist before coming to this more structured programme. Although we will work through the history that holds you back, this is not a psychotherapy group.  Check whether it is possible to work with me on an individual basis before the group.

Psychotherapy 1:1
Love and Relationship Recovery

First Steps

Book an introductory session

Want to see if we’re a good fit for working together?

After this, everyone starts with an initial 50-60 minute session with me. Here, you can expect to receive support and be encouraged to explore. You will gain some enlightenment and understanding of your relationship patterns, and how to start to tackle these. This will start to point you in the right direction.

People usually end this session feeling excited about what comes next.

Take The Love Recovery Quiz

Take my quiz here to understand more about your relationships.

Love and relationship recovery
Shelley Treacher Psychotherapy in Bristol

Listen to Shelley’s Podcasts on Relationship